Falkland Islands Postcode

Falkland Islands (FK) Geographical Metadata

South America

ISO Alpha-3: FLK
Continent ISO: SA
FIPS Code: FK00
NUTS Code:
Phone Code: +500
TLD: .fk
Latitude: -51.7730000
Longitude: -59.7280000
Territory Of: GB
Capital: Stanley
Capital TimeZone: Atlantic/Stanley
Language(s): English
Language Code(s): en
Spoken Language(s): English 89%, Spanish 7.7%, other 3.3% (2006 est.)
Area (KM²): 12173.00
Currency ISO: FKP
Currency Name: Pound
Currency Full Name: Falkland Islands Pound
Local Currency Name: Pound
Currency Symbol: £
Post Code Denomination: Postcode
Post Code Format: AAAA 9AA
Post Code Regex: ^(FIQQ 1ZZ)$

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Postal Code Territory Locality Suburb Latitude Longitude
FIQQ 1ZZ Barren Island Barren Island -52.384900 -59.707800
FIQQ 1ZZ Beauchene Island Beauchêne Island -52.916698 -59.200001
FIQQ 1ZZ Beaver Island Beaver Settlement -51.853000 -61.253200
FIQQ 1ZZ Bleaker Island Bleaker Island -52.224000 -58.901000
FIQQ 1ZZ Box Island Box Island -51.350600 -59.839000
FIQQ 1ZZ Brocken Island Brocken Island -51.344000 -59.676000
FIQQ 1ZZ Burnt Island Burnt Island -51.418300 -60.133000
FIQQ 1ZZ Carcass Island Port Patterson -51.280200 -60.563000
FIQQ 1ZZ Christmas Island Christmas Island -51.375900 -59.968000
FIQQ 1ZZ Cow Island Cow Island -51.987700 -58.470700
FIQQ 1ZZ Cross Island Cross Island -52.186800 -60.701700
FIQQ 1ZZ Double Creek Islands Double Creek Islands -51.976700 -60.563400
FIQQ 1ZZ Dry Island Dry Island -51.370900 -59.898000
FIQQ 1ZZ Dyke Island Dyke Island -51.992600 -60.895000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Ajax Bay -51.564270 -59.076710
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Bluff Cove Settlement -51.750100 -58.183500
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Bombilia House -51.527100 -58.729000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Ceritos -51.716000 -58.850000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Cranmer -51.329987 -59.938686
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Darwin -51.806800 -58.960400
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Darwin Settlement -51.806860 -58.959200
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Dos Lomas -51.783600 -59.250100
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Douglas Settlement -51.462300 -58.593700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Duclos Point -51.534600 -58.020800
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Estancia House -51.644280 -58.179300
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Fitzroy North -51.693790 -57.857010
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Fitzroy Settlement -51.693800 -57.857000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Foam Creek House -51.461300 -58.309000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Goose Green Settlement -51.827600 -58.974300
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Green Patch Settlement -51.557500 -58.132600
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Hope Place (Lafonia) -51.692000 -57.853000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Horseshoe Bay -51.500690 -58.282990
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Johnson's Harbour -51.499300 -58.040300
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Mare Harbour Rancho -51.894890 -58.446300
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Mariqueta -51.900200 -59.399000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Mid Rancho -51.833400 -58.600400
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland New Heaven Ferry Terminal -51.728600 -59.216900
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland North Arm Settlement -52.125820 -59.367700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Paloma Sand Beach -51.433700 -59.033700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Port Harriet -51.733299 -57.916698
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Port Louis Settlement -51.529100 -58.128500
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Port Louis South -51.533500 -58.123700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Port San Carlos Settlement -51.503100 -58.994100
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Port William -51.682600 -57.717000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland RAF Mount Pleasant (Air Force Base) -51.821700 -58.455900
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Rincon Grande Settlement -51.461300 -58.309300
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Ross City -51.693000 -57.869700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Salvador -51.436350 -58.374100
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland San Carlos -51.572800 -59.016700
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Sand Fountain -51.483299 -58.750000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Stanley -51.700700 -57.849100
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Teal Inlet Settlement -51.557250 -58.438000
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Volunteer Point -51.466700 -57.839100
FIQQ 1ZZ East Falkland Walker Creek -51.967710 -58.777050
FIQQ 1ZZ Eddystone Island Eddystone Island -51.113000 -59.028000
FIQQ 1ZZ George Island George Island -52.328400 -59.749000
FIQQ 1ZZ George Island George Island House -52.349800 -59.755000
FIQQ 1ZZ Golding Island Golding Island -51.355000 -59.749000
FIQQ 1ZZ Great Island Great Island -51.972500 -59.686200
FIQQ 1ZZ Jason Islands Jason Islands -51.081000 -60.960000
FIQQ 1ZZ Keppel Island Keppel Settlement -51.342000 -59.976000
FIQQ 1ZZ Middle Island Middle Island -51.409000 -59.708000
FIQQ 1ZZ New Island Coffins Harbour -51.721840 -61.300000
FIQQ 1ZZ New Island New Island Settlement -51.716210 -61.292700
FIQQ 1ZZ New Island North Harbour -51.705810 -61.244900
FIQQ 1ZZ New Island Sabina Point -51.711000 -61.253600
FIQQ 1ZZ Outer Island Outer Island -51.864300 -60.526600
FIQQ 1ZZ Passage Island Passage Island -51.371100 -59.853000
FIQQ 1ZZ Peat Island Peat Island -52.182600 -60.479800
FIQQ 1ZZ Pebble Island Pebble Island Settlement (Farm) -51.282000 -59.638000
FIQQ 1ZZ Philmore Island Lively Settlement -51.983300 -58.450000
FIQQ 1ZZ Port Patterson Carcass Island Settlement -51.280200 -60.563000
FIQQ 1ZZ Ruggles Island Ruggles Island -52.075000 -59.730300
FIQQ 1ZZ Sandbar Island Sandbar Island -51.923400 -59.649300
FIQQ 1ZZ Saunders Island Port Egmont -51.377000 -60.092000
FIQQ 1ZZ Saunders Island Saunders Island Settlement -51.377000 -60.092000
FIQQ 1ZZ Sea Lion Island Sea Lion Island -52.433200 -59.097500
FIQQ 1ZZ Sedge Island Sedge Island Settlement -51.150370 -60.412490
FIQQ 1ZZ Speedwell Island Shag Point -52.222100 -59.672900
FIQQ 1ZZ Speedwell Island Speedwell Island Settlement -52.249100 -59.757700
FIQQ 1ZZ Spring Point Island Spring Point Island -51.854020 -60.462600
FIQQ 1ZZ Staats Island Staats Island -51.891200 -61.193900
FIQQ 1ZZ Swan Island Swan Island -51.792000 -59.591000
FIQQ 1ZZ Tickel Island Tickel Island -51.992600 -59.653900
FIQQ 1ZZ Tussac Island Tussac Island -52.209400 -60.504300
FIQQ 1ZZ Weddell Island Weddell Settlement -51.894000 -60.978000
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Clove Point -51.495300 -60.133300
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Dunbar -51.413000 -60.453200
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Dunnose Head Settlement -51.756020 -60.418970
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Fox Bay East Settlement -51.956000 -60.068500
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Fox Bay West Settlement -51.950900 -60.089800
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Hill Cove -51.509400 -60.144000
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Hope Point -51.341300 -60.664100
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Port Albemarle -52.191200 -60.446000
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Port Howard -51.611400 -59.522600
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Port Stephens Settlement -52.098200 -60.831300
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Roy Cove Settlement -51.549100 -60.385000
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Shallow Bay -51.423700 -59.997000
FIQQ 1ZZ West Falkland Spring Point Settlement -51.829760 -60.463500
FIQQ 1ZZ West Island West Island -52.015000 -60.995600
FIQQ 1ZZ West Point Island West Point Island Settlement -51.348330 -60.686290
FIQQ 1ZZ West Swan island West Swan island -51.783800 -59.642000
FIQQ 1ZZ Wolfe Island Wolfe Island -52.022500 -59.675900
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