Pitcairn Islands Postcode

Pitcairn Islands (PN) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: PCN
Continent ISO: OC
FIPS Code: PC00
NUTS Code:
Phone Code: +
TLD: .pn
Latitude: -24.3780000
Longitude: -128.3250000
Territory Of: GB
Capital: Adamstown
Capital TimeZone: Pacific/Pitcairn
Language(s): English
Language Code(s): en
Spoken Language(s): English
Area (KMĀ²): 47.00
Currency ISO: NZD
Currency Name: Dollar
Currency Full Name: New Zealand Dollar
Local Currency Name: dollar
Currency Symbol: $
Post Code Denomination: Postcode
Post Code Format: AAA9 9AA
Post Code Regex: ^(PCR9 1ZZ)$

Search and filter Pitcairn Islands Postcode

Postal Code Territory Locality Suburb Latitude Longitude
PCR9 1ZZ Pitcairn Islands Ducie Island -24.674339 -124.776495
PCR9 1ZZ Pitcairn Islands Henderson Island -24.372429 -128.322103
PCR9 1ZZ Pitcairn Islands Oeno Island -23.927378 -130.741268
PCR9 1ZZ Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Island -25.069086 -130.104901
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